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Opportunities for groups and Individuals alike

Volunteer Opportunities

"YTC is mainly a volunteer organization with no full time employees"

David Finkle

YTC Founder and CEO


Telling our Story

We are always looking for help telling our story. Are you a content writer, photographer, marketing expert, or graphic designer?  Consider starting, or joining an ongoing project. Have the bandwidth to address our many web-related issues...we need your help

Volunteer Coordinator

Finding and then managing volunteers is a job unto itself. A bigger organization would have a dedicated person or team dedicated to this. Help us create a solution to the problem of how we attract, utilize and reward volunteers.


Educators, Techies, Advocates..lend me your ears.

From creating, and developing to delivering curriculum YTC is an open-source experiment. Clubs come and go over time, they can be created for a single purpose, in a single community, or to address a specific problem but in all instances, they need a support system to develop best practices. Join the movement, and tell us how you fit in.


Join us on a refurbishment day where we build inventory, maybe collect a donation for us and deliver it to one of our locations or maybe participate in a corporate day of service providing professional services that make us stronger.

Thank you to our hosts, The Center for Ethical Living and Social Justice Renewal — in New
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