May 7th
11 am to 4 pm

Every donation on May 7th Doubles
with the new owner's commitment to pay-it-Forward. In the process, of implementing "Each one, teach one" we will introduce YTC's Mission and programs to the future students of ETHS. In front of the entire community.

Then this summer those students will join our instructors in summer camp where they will fulfill their promise to pay-it-forward creating more computers to donate.
The Never-Ending Computer Give-Away
Our YTC Students have accomplished so much in 2022/2023 that we wanted to go out with a big event to showcase all of our programs.
We will be checking in with our program in Mexico, introducing a new YTC Arduino peer-to-peer partner in Ethiopia who will help us refine our curriculum for West Africa.
We will hear from our CEE Fellow in Ghana as he puts together programming opportunities in Accra.
We will get to meet the recipients of our winter computer donation in Haiti as well.
As For our guests at the event, we will showcase our Arduino Curriculum, provide hands-on refurbishment time, and offer help in getting their new computer set up.
We also owe our gratitude to those who donated the computers that fuel our efforts and make this all possible.


This event is made possible through the efforts of many, but it could not happen without the support of ETHS.